Sunday, September 16, 2012

It's a lazy Sunday afternoon and Lucas and I have been napping together. Actually I am taking a course to become a trained sexual assault nurse examiner, so while he is napping, I am watching a series of lectures online. Lucas is getting bigger almost by the second... at least wider and thicker... he's already almost too big for 0-3 month clothes and moved into 3-6 month size. So I've been trying to use all these adorable outfits that our sweet friends have given us. Today we dressed up for church and had a little photo shoot. A handsome little guy I'd say. It's no wonder my house is a mess- I just can't resist staring at him when he's eating, and pooping and sleeping and exploring this beautiful world with his new untainted senses. My senses are heightened too. It's fun to watch shadows dancing and to notice the way a fuzzy blanket feels on your fingers and cheeks. He's starting to move his head and eyes in the direction of my voice and there is even the faintest hint of a smile- maybe its still coincidence but I'll take it.

David, Lydia and Mircea are up Verstovia. The sun is out and glorious. I'm going to finish making our pulled bbq venison sandwiches for dinner. We'll see how Lucas' tummy likes that.


  1. Oh! I love, love, love all your pictures and your sweet blog! Your baby is so dear and the bit you wrote about yourself in the side bar is lovely! I look forward to following your blog!

  2. seriously the cutest. love your blog, shell.
