Tuesday, December 4, 2012

toys, star wars and aunts

today was a big day for little luke. he started noticing and grabbing toys. for about a week now he has been doing this completely scrumptious little trick of exploring his light touch receptors, spreading his fingers wide and touching them to my skin using only his fingertips. its awesome- it feels really good on my skin for one thing and it also is fun to watch him explore how dainty and delicate those appendages can work. but today he put it all together and reached out and grabbed the toy that has been taunting him for while, happy to have conquered that little twirly parrot and his big black and white eyes.

it was also a big day for me. i watched star wars for the first time last night. i felt it was important for me to be acquainted with luke skywalker and all the jokes and cheesy halloween costumes that my little luke will inevitably fall victim to. i felt like i entered civilization, my eyes suddenly unveiled. it's like a culture i never knew... R2D2... jet-eye mind tricks....C3PO...may the force be with you...plus, i never realized that harrison ford was actually ever really young. fascinating.

but biggest news of all... aunty lydia came home! she jumped right in and watched lucas for the afternoon while i worked. he seemed to remember that she had been an important part of the first half of his life. even though she has been gone for the last 2 months, they had a great afternoon together. sitka is glad she's back too- the sun sparkled specially on the snow today and we had a great tuesday night dinner. lydia introduced us to shakshuka- a delicious tomato and egg breakfast dish from israel. so happy to have her back.

1 comment:

  1. horray!! So are the rest of us, especially with that cookin'! :)
